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New Year, New You!

Happy New Year! It always shocks me when we get past the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and, BAM, its the new year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday and your new year is off to a fantastic start.

This year I have made a new commitment. I have never been a big fan of the phrase, "new years resolutions". It never sat well with me. I found a cool quote on instagram the other day and I wish I knew who wrote it!

"Ditch the resolutions. To resolve means to find a solution to a problem. You are not a problem. the way you showed up for your life the past year was necessary for your growth. Now is a time to reflect. To learn. To create an intention, a positive call to shift, a spark of magic + manifestation rooted in self love and backed with action".

Dayum! Right! Marinate on that one for a while. It totally blew my mind. No wonder I never liked resolutions.

What's my commitment you ask? Oh, there are many!

Lemme back track a sec..... Just over a month ago the work wife, Nicole Bencurik, and I set off to Huntington Beach, CA for the Big Money Stylist Convention. We had an amazing opportunity to participate as trainers teaching other stylists the science of Natural Beaded Rows Extensions. We are both obsessed with this method so this was a big deal for us. Hair was not the only thing we trained on. We also trained on business as well as personal growth. What? Personal growth at a hair convention? Yes! BMS is no joke.

We had a blast and came home exhausted but ready to implement what we learned. My problem was I didn't feel like I had any time! When am I going to fit exercise in? How can I find quiet time in my crazy house for meditation? I know I need to journal every day but when? I am constantly being interrupted! I have a full house and there is always something going on and its usually very loud!

Then one of my fellow NBR Mastermind members told me about this book. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. To say I was intrigued would be an understatement. I ordered it and started devouring it!

If you haven't figured it out yet, the time I was looking for was in the morning! Early morning. Before anyone else in my house was awake. That means 6 am for now and starting tomorrow, 5-5:30am. I am like most people and I have never particularly enjoyed getting up early. I am committed tho! So I started with getting up at 6 so I could get my yoga practice in before the most distracting beings awoke (my 1 year old border-doodle puppy and my 6yr old son) I managed to stay consistent for a few days and then added on meditation, then added journaling, then reading, and then visualizations. All before the rest of the house arose.

Its been 7 days and I feel amazing. It no longer bothers me when my alarm goes off in the morning. I get more done, I'm in a better mood and my children don't annoy me nearly as much!

For those of you who are saying, yes! I am so ready! The Miracle Morning is on Amazon and also Kindle Unlimited! Yoga with Adriene on You Tube, its free!

For those of you interested in Natural Beaded Rows, visit my website: or click the link on my home page!

Happy New year! Here's to a New You this Year!



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